Getting discount pet supplies can greatly cut the cost of pet ownership, which in the current economic climate facing our nation, cannot be undervalues. Many retailers are offering discount pet supplies in greater quantities, trying to stimulate consumer interest and energize a slowing market. Many pet owners have been enticed by these discount pet supplies, and it is easy to see how such deep discounts could encourage pet owners to increase their purchasing. It is important, though, for consumers to understand where cuts can safely be made, and what discount pet supplies are really too good to be true.
One of the most important pet supplies that we buy for our pets is pet food. There is an astonishing variety of brands and styles to choose from. In this area, it is important to understand the difference between discount pet supplies and pet supplies which are “on-sale”. In pet food, there is a vast difference in quality between brands, and pet owners must be careful to check labels and read ingredients carefully to make sure they are really buying the best for their pet. Discount pet foods, or “off-brands” can often contain less desirable ingredients manufactured in substandard conditions, and athough the discount pet supplies can be enticing, they are often less than the best. Fortunately, recent economic trends have caused even name-brand pet foods to dip down to a price level closer to that of the discount pet supplies.
Another area commonly targeted for discount pet supplies are pet toys. Dollar stores, big-box retailers, and other discount retailers have all tried to take hold of the discount pet supplies market through the door of pet toys. While in many cases, these discount pet supplies can be just as good as the originals, there are several important things to watch for. Often, as with food, discount pet supplies and pet toys are made with inferior “ingredients”- in this case plastics, cloths, and other manufacturing materials. The materials used to make discount pet supplies can often be inferior to those of more expensive brands. Watch for flimsy plastics, loose joints, or other components which could be prone to failure. Many dogs and cats die each year from discount pet supplies components getting lodged in their throats, or otherwise ingesting pieces of shredded toys.
The last area of discount pet supplies frequently exploited by pet owners is pet medications, like heartworm and flea/tick treatments. While these discount pet supplies can be an acceptable alternative to a name brand medication, it is important to check the active ingredients to make sure they are equitable to the name brand variety. Your veterinarian can advise you as to which specific discount pet supplies are acceptable as substitute generics.
Whatever discount pet supplies you purchase for your pet, just remember that while it is a legitimate consumer concern to cut expenses where possible, it is equally important to maintain the health and safety of your pet. Please keep reading my pet supplies blog for more information on discount pet supplies!
Door Lock Parts
14 years ago
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