Monday, January 26, 2009

How to Find a Pet Supply Store

Frequently, consumers in search of pet supplies are faced with finding a source for their pet supplies. There are two main sources for pet supplies, specialty pet stores, and larger big box conglomerate retailers. The advantage of buying from a pet store is, of course, the selection and information which a specialty store can provide. Many actually sell pets as well, which in addition to providing added convenience to consumers searching to add an animal to their homes, provide an important means of building brand loyalty among consumers. If you get your puppy, dog, cat, or fish from Petsmart, there is a statistically greater probability that you will return there for other pet supplies. Another advantage of buying from a pet store is that they frequently have knowledgeable experts on hand to answer your questions about pet supplies and respond to pet owner concerns. The disadvantage to buying from a specialty pet store is that the prices for pet supplies tend to be considerably higher than varied-market stores or discount stores. Many big box retailers, like Walmart, Target, and grocery-based chains offer an alternative to these high prices by stocking some pet supplies, but frequently the quality and/or quantity leaves much to be desired. Consumers in more urban centers tend to have many more choices about where to shop for pet supplies than those in rural areas. Pet owners who live in rural areas can be faced with fewer options and inferior quality pet supplies to care for their pets. Many large pet stores now offer an online alternative for your pet supplies. This can be a wonderful alternative for dog and cat owners who cannot easily access a specialty pet store. Even consumers who are within convenient distance of a brick-and-mortar store choose the speed and convenience of online pet suppliers. Many pet supplies retailers, such as PetCare Rx, JB pet supplies, Petco, and Dr. Foresters have large and easily navigated websites. Frequently, the selection of pet supplies online is better than the selection in store, and the use of a central shipping and warehousing location means that your pet supplies will only frequently be out of stock. I highly recommend shopping online as an easy alternative when buying your pet supplies. The only drawback for using an online shipper for your pet supplies is that shipping can frequently be quite expensive. Many pet supplies such as dog food are quite heavy and can prove challenging to ship. The larger stores will offer discounts to offset that cost. Wherever you purchase your pet supplies, please remember that the health, happiness, and emotional wellbeing of your pet should be your central guide. Thanks for reading Pet Supplies Reviewed!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post.!! One of the best places to find pet food supplies on the internet is Petco.
